The full list of recordings with their cast is: First Workshop – monologue Recording 1- Herald, from Aeschylus’ Agamemnon – Richard Brindley |
Recording 2 - Hippolytus (with Nurse), from Euripides’ Hippolytus – in two versions, by David Johnson and then Dan Smith (with Lizzie Southall as the Nurse) | |
Second Workshop - dialogue Recording 3- Clytemnestra and Electra, from Sophocles’ Electra – Olivia Bussey and Lizzie Southall |
Recording 4 - Hermione and Andromache, from Euripides’ Andromache – Kate Rayner and Beth Kennedy | |
Third Workshop – three-actor scenes Recording 5- Deianira, Lichas, Old Man, from Sophocles’ Young Women of Trachis – Jess Philips, Joe McDonnell, Martin Harvey. The actor playing Iole is masked. |
Fourth Workshop – properties Recording 6- Medea, from Euripides’ Medea – Kate Rayner |
Recording 7- Hecuba, from Euripides’ Trojan Women – Jess Philips | |
Recording 8- Orestes and Electra (with Pylades), from Sophocles’ Electra – Richard Brindley and Kate Rayner (with Joe McDonnell as Pylades) | |
Additional scene Recording 9- Oedipus and Jocasta, in a dialogue from Sophocles’ Oedipus the King – Joe McDonnell and Penny Simons. This scene does not form part of the discussions in the book. |
The role of a chorus member, as a point of reference for the speaking characters, is taken in some of the scenes by actors from this list. |