The Process and Cast

The scenes were recorded with two cameras, one static and elevated, and the other tripod-based and manually operated on the ground. The camera operator was Peter Hulton, and the recordings were edited by Chris Mearing. The recordings were made in studios in the Drama Department at the University of Exeter in 2012 and 2013.
With one exception, the performers studied in the Department on the course taught there by Graham Ley, but the recordings were made after the course had concluded.
The scenes are recorded end-on, all in approximately the same manner, so they do not reproduce the effect of a live presentation as it would be experienced in the workshops recommended in the book. But they do illustrate a number of aspects of the discussion of the same scripts made in the book.
At times, the recordings include a chorus member as a functional reference point for the actors in the scene. There is no audience and no attempt to involve members of a chorus fully throughout the scene, as there would be in the workshops. For the purposes of recording, the focus has remained on the individual performers as the characters.
The full list of actors, in order of their appearance in the recordings is;
Richard Brindley, David Johnson, Dan Smith, Olivia Bussey, Lizzie Southall, Kate Rayner, Beth Kennedy, Joe McDonnell, Penny Simons, Jess Philips, Martin Harvey.
I am very grateful to them for their time, commitment, and skill.
Martin Harvey is a director, and a member of the Drama Department staff who has contributed to the course.
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